Meng Jiangnv

  • 网络孟姜女
Meng JiangnvMeng Jiangnv
  1. At present , this village is applying for provincial Oral and Intangible Cultural Heritage named by " Meng Jiangnv Story " .


  2. The " Meng Jiangnv , Lan Huahua " two works of musical styles and singing skills analyze the image of the shape of different music .


  3. Gu Jiegang 's research on Meng Jiangnv story has built the paradigm of the research of stories in the20th century .


  4. The stories in Song Yuan Ming and Qing Dynasties have significant and profound influence on the widely spread folk tales of Meng Jiangnv of the later generations .


  5. The main idea of the Introduction is to explain the origin of this paper , the present situation of international research on the story of Meng Jiangnv , the value of this paper , and the innovation point in this paper .


  6. Today , more and more scholars use different approaches to do many aspects of exploration and interpretation of Meng Jiangnv . The results are fruitful , include dozens of books published and hundred papers which has published .


  7. As the most popular folklore of our country , the story of Meng Jiangnv has a long history and with diverse views , and the spread formats also vary from place to place , change from time to time .
